It has been extremely dark here in Cleveland. I think I saw more sunshine in Toledo when I was there for the holidays than I have seen all month in Cleveland. Its really depressing, I wake up and its dark which makes waking up tough.
Anyway. So this weekend has been fun. Genevieve and myself went to see Juno at the Cedar Lee Theatres on Fri. night. A very good flick, its about a 16yr old girl Juno (Ellen Page) who gets pregnant by her friend Bleeker (Michael Cera). Faced with an unplanned pregnancy, Juno avoids aborting the baby and gives it to an adopting family (Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner). This is a very smart comedy directed by Jason Reitman. Highly suggest seeing this movie and there are some great one liners in the movie. Funny and Smart. Rating 5/5
Stay tuned for Kevin's top albums of 2007.