Sunday, January 20, 2008


Its cold, its snowy and well, I have no money till Feb 1st. So what better way to spend a Sunday than blogging about what I have been doing the past few weeks. First off, I have made some great strides with my project in the lab. If you are curious to what I have been working on for the past months you can check this out

So when Im not slaving away in the lab I have found some time to watch some great movies. First, American Gangster, starring Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe. Its a must for any mafia, gangster movie buff.

Second, Reign Over Me. This movie is very good. It stars Don Cheadle (as Alan) and Adam Sandler (as Charlie). Charlie loses his entire family in the 911 attack on the World Trade Center, and is now suffering from post traumatic stress and Alan who was Charlie's roommate in college helps him in this difficult time. A must see, and a very different, but a good role for Adam Sandler.

I will also fill you in with what I have been listening to lately. Since nothing new is out. I have been delving into some old classic alternative, indie albums. I dont know if I would recommend these two cds but they are very good and since no one buys music these days all you will be wasting is a little space on your harddrive. So here they are..... Dinosaur Jr. - Where you Been. Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation.

So there you go Feebs, I hope that wets your whistle for a bit.



BucketListCLE said...

You didn't mention the other movies we watched too. They must be too girlie for the blog.

Feebs said...

hey feefer,
my whistle would be wetter if your link to your project worked.

Man does that sound gay. Sorry!